6 Tips on How to Save Money in Your Business & Get Sales at the Same Time!
- Go Halves
Buddy up with non-conflicting businesses and split advertising and promotion costs. This works extremely well if your services can be combined e.g. a graphic designer and a marketing consultant or a florist and a bridal shop.
- Help Me!!
Ask for help – namely referrals. Go to current clients, contacts, family, friends etc. with names of specific people you want referrals from, or educate these people on how to pass referrals for you. You can return the favour by doing the same for them! As the number of referrals you receive increases, so does your potential for increasing the percentage of your business generated through referrals.
- Say Thank You
Sending thank you emails / notes to current clients can actually increase the chances of them continuing to do business with you and also referring you to others. A thank-you note doesn’t have to be elaborate, two or three sentences is plenty. Some situations where a thank you note works a treat is after a meeting, even if they prospect didn’t buy “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about my company’s product. Looking forward to hearing from you again” After a meeting when the prospect did buy – “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to offer you one of my company’s exceptional products. We look forward to working with you”
The examples are endless. You can have these set up ready to go in each situation. Remember not to overdo it though, you want it to come across as genuine.
- Listen to the Radio
Listening to talk shows where people are discussing (usually complaining) about products / services can provide a great opportunity for you to get a plug for your business. If you hear a topic related to your industry call in and give your two cents. If this is planned properly you will look like an expert in your area and have got free advertising on the radio!
- We loved your work
Ask happy customers to post their testimonial online, on your Facebook and/or LinkedIn. This can encourage others to use your products or services.
- Ask the expert
Offer to teaching a class, speaking at a community meeting, or writing an article for a local paper not only makes you look like an expert but allows you to get low-cost attention for your business.
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